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Vytautas Jancauskas 2020

EasyVVUQ Mega Tutorial


In this tutorial we will show you how you can use EasyVVUQ to investigate the properties of a simple epidemiological model. The model is very simplistic and is not intended to realisticly portray a real epidemic such as COVID-19. However it is also fun enough to experiment with and we can use it as an example to show how you can use EasyVVUQ to answer questions about your scientific models. EasyVVUQ is successfully used by researchers in various different fields, such as plasma physics, weather and air pollution modelling and materials science.

Installing EasyVVUQ

Before we do anything else we need to install EasyVVUQ for use in this notebook. Please skip this if you already have EasyVVUQ installed in your system. This is meant for situations where this notebook is hosted externally to your local computer. We also want to clone the git repository because it contains some files used in this tutorial. Please note that you might need to restart the runtime after the installation is complete. If the following code examples don’t work please try that first. I have added a command that kills the runtime (which causes it to be restarted). But I’m not sure if it will always work.

[ ]:
!pip install git+
!git clone
Cloning into 'EasyVVUQ'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 125, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (125/125), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (107/107), done.
remote: Total 14554 (delta 75), reused 40 (delta 18), pack-reused 14429
Receiving objects: 100% (14554/14554), 4.26 MiB | 4.24 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (10606/10606), done.
[ ]:
import os
os.kill(os.getpid(), 9)

Epidemiological Model

In our model individuals are placed on a two dimensional square grid. During each turn, the individual moves at random one square in one of eight possible directions (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W or NW). If the individual encounters another individual and that person is ill, the individual will also become sick for a specified number of turns (that number is a parameter to the model). Once ill, the individual cannot become sick anymore and after getting over the disease they will have immunity. Immunity means that this person cannot get infected anymore. The simulation continues until no one is sick. At that point the disease counts as erradicated.

Let us load the model and see how it operates. We create a population on a 10x10 grid containing 20 individuals. Once infected the individual can transmit the disease for 28 turns. After that they have a 20% chance of dying.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import EasyVVUQ.tutorials.epidemic.epidemic as epidemic

population = epidemic.Population(grid_size=10, n=20, duration=28, mortality=0.2)

The code cell below is supposed to be run multiple times. Each time you run it the image below will update to show the state of the population. The black squares are empty, the white squares represent individuals who are not immune and are not sick. The red squares represent ill individuals and the intensity of the red shows how many turns they will stay ill for. Green squares represent individuals who are immune. Once the disease is eradicated, the graphic will change to a plot showing the evolution of the disease over time.

if np.count_nonzero(population.ill):
  plt.plot(population.ill_history, label="Sick Individuals")
  plt.plot(population.immune_history, label="Immune Individuals")
  plt.plot(population.n_history, label="Population")

Since EasyVVUQ is meant to be a general framework (non-Python specific) we don’t call Python functions directly to get results of the simulation. After all, many simulations are still written in Fortran and operate by taking an input file and producing a file with outputs of the simulation. To do statistical analysis we need to be able to provide an appropriate input file to the simulation and be able to parse the outputs of the simulation. You can run our simulation as in the following example.

!cd EasyVVUQ/tutorials/epidemic/; time python3 example.json output.csv

real    0m1.769s
user    0m1.308s
sys     0m0.332s

This will have produced a file called output.csv that consists of four columns labeled “iteration”, “ill”, “immune” and “population”. These should be fairly self explanatory.

!cat EasyVVUQ/tutorials/epidemic/output.csv

Let us plot this data and see what the evolution of the disease looks like in our population.

  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  import pandas as pd

  df = pd.read_csv("EasyVVUQ/tutorials/epidemic/output.csv")
  plt.plot(df['ill'], label="Sick Individuals")
  plt.plot(df['immune'], label="Immune Individuals")
  plt.plot(df['population'], label="Population")

A short summary is in order so that we can start exploring the sample space of our model:

  • We have a script that takes a JSON file with parameters and produces a CSV file with the output.
  • The model takes 4 input parameters - grid size, population size, disease duration and mortality rate.
  • The model produces 4 columns of output - iteration number, number of sick people, number of immune people and the current population size.

We will use EasyVVUQ to help us answer some questions about the model. Here are some simple ones that arise from toying with the model:

  • Given that every time the length of time before the disease is erradicated is different even with the same parameters (due to the fact that each individual chooses where to move to at random), we might want to know, within a given certainty range, what the expected value of that is. This tells us, with needed confidence, how long we can expect the disease to last given certain parameters.
  • We might also do the same thing but for a set of parameter values. Namely we might want to performa a parameter sweep with corresponding error bars.
  • We might also want to improve our results by adding more samples to our analysis - hence we will see how we can restart a simulation and draw more samples to improve the accuracy.
  • At some point we will want to use external resources to execute our simulations. We will quickly discuss how this can be done.
  • Finally, given that our model is quite computationally expensive, we might want to explore the possibility of creating surrogate models to stand-in in place of the original model. These are usually expensive to create but very cheap to evaluate. Hence there is a possibility that we will be able to extract knowledge about our model from them that would be too expensive (computationally or otherwise) with a full simulation.

But first we need to set EasyVVUQ up to produce the configuration files in the suitable format and read in the output of the simulation. We also need to give a description of the parameter space. We also need to specify how we will execute our simulation. The next sections is concerened with these tasks.

EasyVVUQ Set-up

For the examples in this tutorial we import some libraries that will be used throughout. EasyVVUQ will be referred to as ‘uq’ in the code. We also need Chaospy because we use it for the probability distribution classes. We use numpy for certain small tasks and we use pandas DataFrame as the standard data exchange format as is customary in the Python data science infrastucture.

import easyvvuq as uq
import chaospy as cp
import easyvvuq.collate
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
from pathlib import Path

While we are at it we also want to describe the arguments to our model. This takes a form of a Python dictionary. The dictionary is based on the Cerberus validator dictionary format. For more information refer to Cerberus documentation. This dictionary is used in both validation of the results and for the default values when we don’t want to vary a certain parameter.

params = {
    "grid_size": {"type": "float", "default": 10},
    "n": {"type": "float", "min": 1, "max": 100, "default": 20},
    "duration": {"type": "float", "min": 0, "max": 365, "default": 28},
    "mortality": {"type": "float", "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "default": 0.2},
    "ensemble" : {"type": "integer", "default": 0}

We will also want to set-up some elements that will stay the same for all the examples. These components are the encoder - which is responsible for creating input files for our simulation and the decoder - which is responsible for parsing the output of the simulation.

For the Encoder we use the GenericEncoder class. It is a very simple template based encoder. It finds a specified delimiter, and replaces the variable name that follows that delimiter with the corresponding value. In our case the template file looks like follows:

    "grid_size" : $grid_size,
    "n" : $n,
    "duration" : $duration,
    "mortality" : $mortality

From this template, a JSON file will be created and then passed to the simulation script as an argument. EasyVVUQ has other encoders as well. For example the Jinja encoder.

encoder = uq.encoders.GenericEncoder(

Since the quantity of interest (number of turns until the disease is erradicated) is a function of the simulation output (it is the iteration number of the last row) we need to extend the Decoder class to take this in to account. To this end we inherit from SimpleCSV decoder and redefine the parse_sim_output method to take the last value of the iteration column in the file produced by the simulation. This gives us the length in turns for which the simulation ran or in other words before the disease disappeared in our simulation.

class EpidemicDecoder(uq.decoders.SimpleCSV, decoder_name='epidemic_decoder'):
    def parse_sim_output(self, run_info={}):
        result = super().parse_sim_output(run_info)
        return {'iteration': result['iteration'][-1]}

decoder = EpidemicDecoder(
    target_filename="output.csv", output_columns=["iteration"])

We will also define a helper function that will execute the simulation with the provided input files. This function takes a campaign object, creates the directories with input files and then runs our script in them with those files as inputs. The exact details of this process can be found here and here.

def campaign_execute(campaign):
          "{} epidemic_in.json output.csv".format(

Basic Example

We start by creating an EasyVVUQ Campaign. Here we call it ‘epidemic_basic’. :

campaign = uq.Campaign(name='epidemic_basic')
db_location = sqlite:////Users/di73kuj2/Programming/EasyVVUQ/tutorials/epidemic_basicqy4s3zwf/campaign.db
active_sampler_id = None
campaign_name = epidemic_basic
campaign_dir = /Users/di73kuj2/Programming/EasyVVUQ/tutorials/epidemic_basicqy4s3zwf
campaign_id = 1
log = []

We then want to describe our application. This means passing parameter dictionary, enoder, decoder and collater to the campaign object.

# Add the app (automatically set as current app)

For this particular task we are not interested in the relationship between input parameters and the behavior of the simulation. All we want is to see how much the result varies between runs that are identical but for the random seed.

from easyvvuq.sampling import EmptySampler

EmptySampler is a convenience class for such cases. However, another option is, if your simulation provides the option to specify different seeds, to draw the seeds from a probability distribution. In cases like these you could specify the sampler like this:

from easyvvuq.sampling import RandomSampler

vary = {'seed' : cp.DiscreteUniform(0, MAX_SEED)}
sampler = RandomSampler(vary)

In the above example MAX_SEED is the maximum value the seed can take plus one.

Calling the campaign’s draw_samples() method will cause the specified number of samples to be added as runs to the campaign database, awaiting encoding and execution. Please note that nothing is executed at this stage. Neither any changes are made to the file system (e.g. no input files are created). This happens at a later stage. If no arguments are passed to draw_samples() then all samples will be drawn, unless the sampler is not finite. In this case let us try 20 samples :


Let us now create the input files for our simulations.


We now want to execute the simulations. Please note, that after this stage the results are not yet processed. The output files are just sitting on the filesystem awaiting collation.


We can now see what the result is. It will be a DataFrame containing the number of iterations before the disease is erradicated. Calling collate on the campaign object will find and parse the output files of our simulation and then produce a single DataFrame with the results.

df = campaign.get_collation_result()
   run_id grid_size   n duration mortality ensemble iteration
        0         0   0        0         0        0         0
0       1        10  20       28       0.2        0      62.0
1       2        10  20       28       0.2        0      60.0
2       3        10  20       28       0.2        0      62.0
3       4        10  20       28       0.2        0      62.0
4       5        10  20       28       0.2        0      92.0
5       6        10  20       28       0.2        0      87.0
6       7        10  20       28       0.2        0      61.0
7       8        10  20       28       0.2        0      83.0
8       9        10  20       28       0.2        0      87.0
9      10        10  20       28       0.2        0      55.0
10     11        10  20       28       0.2        0      66.0
11     12        10  20       28       0.2        0      81.0
12     13        10  20       28       0.2        0      99.0
13     14        10  20       28       0.2        0      57.0
14     15        10  20       28       0.2        0      97.0
15     16        10  20       28       0.2        0     102.0
16     17        10  20       28       0.2        0      77.0
17     18        10  20       28       0.2        0      63.0
18     19        10  20       28       0.2        0      85.0
19     20        10  20       28       0.2        0      74.0

This collated data is stored in the campaign database. An analysis element, here EnsembleBoot (which performs bootstraping), can then be applied to the campaign’s collation result. :

analysis = uq.analysis.EnsembleBoot(qoi_cols=[("iteration", 0)], stat_func=np.mean, stat_name='mean', alpha=0.05)

The output of this is dependent on the type of analysis element. :

# Get Descriptive Statistics
results = campaign.get_last_analysis()
          mean    low   high
True     75.25  69.15  82.05

The above gives the mean value of the number of iterations before the disease eradication and the 95% confidence region for that estimator.

Parameter Sweep

Suppose we want to examine the behaviour of the model by doing a sweep across a range of parameter values. Let’s say that given a fixed population size and fixed mortality rate we want to see how does the model behaves if we vary the disease duration parameter from 4 days to, for example, 28 days. We will do this in 2 day increments. Also, in order to perform some kind of statistical analysis of the results we will want to do sample the same parameter set several times. We will do this using the replicas mechanism in the EasyVVUQ.

First we define a new campaign.

campaign = uq.Campaign(name='epidemic_sweep')

We need to define a different kind of sampler. In our case we want BasicSweep which allows one to sample an n-dimensional grid of values. In this case we specify a single parameter and give it a list of values. If you add more parameters the sampler will then sample a Cartesian product of those lists. For examples {'a' : [1, 2], 'b' : [3, 4]} will result in {'a': 1, 'b': 3}, {'a': 1, 'b': 4}, {'a': 2, 'b': 3} and {'a': 2, 'b': 4} being sampled.

sweep = {
    "duration" : list(range(2, 30, 2))
sweep_sampler = uq.sampling.BasicSweep(sweep=sweep)

We will also want to sample each point multiple times in order to construct confidence intervals. To this end we use a ReplicaSampler element which wraps around our sweep_sampler. In essence it will simply run the simulation with the same inputs multiple times with different random number generator seeds.

from easyvvuq.sampling import ReplicaSampler
sampler = ReplicaSampler(sweep_sampler)

Finally we want to draw some samples from this new sampler.

campaign.draw_samples(20 * 14)

The following steps are the same as in our more basic example. Note that execution might take some time. That is because we are running 280 simulations on the machine that is hosting this notebook.

statuses = campaign.apply_for_each_run_dir(
    uq.actions.ExecuteLocal("{} epidemic_in.json output.csv".format(
        os.path.abspath('EasyVVUQ/tutorials/epidemic/')), interpret="python3"))
{'ready': 0, 'active': 0, 'finished': 0, 'failed': 0}
df = campaign.get_collation_result()
    run_id duration ensemble grid_size   n mortality iteration
         0        0        0         0   0         0         0
0        1        2        0        10  20       0.2       2.0
1        2        4        1        10  20       0.2       8.0
2        3        6        2        10  20       0.2       8.0
3        4        8        3        10  20       0.2       7.0
4        5       10        4        10  20       0.2       9.0
..     ...      ...      ...       ...  ..       ...       ...
275    276       20        9        10  20       0.2      96.0
276    277       22       10        10  20       0.2      68.0
277    278       24       11        10  20       0.2      64.0
278    279       26       12        10  20       0.2      59.0
279    280       28       13        10  20       0.2      82.0

[280 rows x 7 columns]

One important difference in the analysis stage below is the addition of the groupby keyword argument. This means, essentially, that bootstrapping will be done on rows with the same ensemble_id value separately. So in the end we will get (30 - 2) / 2 = 14 triples of the mean value and lower/upper confidence bounds.

analysis = uq.analysis.EnsembleBoot(qoi_cols=[("iteration", 0)], groupby=('ensemble', 0), stat_func=np.mean, stat_name='mean')

We can now view the resulting DataFrame.

results = campaign.get_last_analysis()
                   mean       low      high
(ensemble, 0)
0                 1.200   1.00000   1.45000
1                 5.750   4.64875   6.95000
2                 9.350   7.89875  11.00125
3                16.950  13.54875  20.50000
4                25.550  19.45000  31.80000
5                38.675  30.09750  46.45500
6                36.950  30.14875  43.70125
7                55.100  46.84625  62.90500
8                49.050  41.19875  56.05000
9                63.850  60.29875  68.90125
10               66.350  58.19875  74.00000
11               72.400  62.94875  82.95250
12               75.850  69.09750  84.10250
13               73.175  68.30000  78.25000
#plt.errorbar(list(range(2, 30, 2)),
#             results[('iteration', 0)]['mean'].values,
#             np.array([results['iteration']['mean'].values - results['iteration']['low'].values,
#                       results['iteration']['high'].values - results['iteration']['mean'].values]))
#plt.xlabel('duration (days)')
#plt.ylabel('days until eradication')

Remote Execution

This part of the tutorial assumes that you have a Kubernetes cluster access configured. In other words the ~/.kube/config file needs to be populated with the data that Kubernetes API can use to connect to a cluster. The exact details for how to do this will depend on your cloud service provider. For example, in order to start a cluster on GKE I would need to run the following command (or similar):

[ ]:
!gcloud container clusters create easyvvuq

To use this functionality you would first need to create a Docker image for your simulation. There are many resource on how to do this. See for example here. For your convenience below is the Dockerfile we have used when creating an EasyVVUQ image that will be used in his example. You also need to publish your Docker image to where it can be downloaded by the Kubernetes cluster. An obvious place is Docker Hub.

FROM ubuntu:latest

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y python3-pip && \
    apt-get install -y git && \
    apt-get install -y tini && \
    pip3 install easyvvuq && \
    git clone

ENTRYPOINT ["tini", "--"]

After this, the only other bit of boring admin you need to do is to create a Kubernetes pod configuration. Again here is the one that was used in this tutorial:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: epidemic
  restartPolicy: Never
  - name: epidemic
    image: orbitfold/easyvvuq:latest
    command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
    args: ["python3 /EasyVVUQ/docs/epidemic/ /config/example.json out.csv && cat out.csv"]

It will likely be the same for your simulation. Please note the image name, and the command that will be used to execute the simulation. In the current implementation your simulation needs to put all output to the standard output. So after creating the output CSV file we use cat to print it to the screen. Your way of doing this is likely to be different.

We have, so far, drawn 20 samples in our parameter sweep which has resulted in fairly wide error bars. We can shrink them by adding more samples. To this end will draw 80 more samples and create the corresponding input files.

campaign.draw_samples(60 * 14)

Now we call apply_for_each_run_dir with the ExecuteKubernetes action. This will submit the jobs to the Kubernetes cluster and the execution will automatically start.

statuses = campaign.apply_for_each_run_dir(
                                   ['epidemic_in.json'], 'output.csv'), batch_size=8)
statuses = campaign.sample_and_apply(
    60 * 14,
        'output.csv'), 8)
[<Future at 0x129f93760 state=running>,
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 <Future at 0x12a3ec730 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3ec820 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3ec910 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3eca00 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3ecaf0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3ecbe0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3eccd0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3ecdc0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3eceb0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3ecfa0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f10d0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f11c0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f12b0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f13a0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f1490 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f1580 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f1670 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f1760 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f1850 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f1940 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f1a30 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f1b20 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f1c10 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f1d00 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f1df0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f1ee0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f1fd0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f5100 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f51f0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f52e0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f53d0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f54c0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f55b0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f56a0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f5790 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f5880 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f5970 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f5a60 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f5b50 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f5c40 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f5d30 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f5e20 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3f5f10 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3fb040 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3fb130 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3fb220 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3fb310 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3fb400 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3fb4f0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3fb5e0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3fb6d0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3fb7c0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3fb8b0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3fb9a0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3fba90 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3fbb80 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3fbc70 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3fbd60 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3fbe50 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3fbf40 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3ff070 state=pending>,
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 <Future at 0x12a3ff250 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3ff340 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3ff430 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3ff520 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3ff610 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3ff700 state=pending>,
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 <Future at 0x12a3ff8e0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3ff9d0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3ffac0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3ffbb0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3ffca0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3ffd90 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a3ffe80 state=pending>,
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 <Future at 0x12a005070 state=pending>,
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 <Future at 0x12a005250 state=pending>,
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 <Future at 0x12a005430 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a005580 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a005610 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a005760 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0057f0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a005940 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0059d0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a005b20 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a005bb0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a005d00 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a005d90 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a005ee0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a005f70 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a00c100 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a00c190 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a00c2e0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a00c370 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a00c4c0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a00c550 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a00c6a0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a00c730 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a00c880 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a00c910 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a00ca60 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a00caf0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a00cc40 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a00ccd0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a00ce20 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a00ceb0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a00cfd0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a014100 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0141f0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0142e0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0143d0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0144c0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0145b0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0146a0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a014790 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a014880 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a014970 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a014a60 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a014b50 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a014c40 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a014d30 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a014e20 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a014f10 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a02c040 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a02c130 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a02c220 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a02c310 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a02c400 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a02c4f0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a02c5e0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a02c6d0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a02c7c0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a02c8b0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a02c9a0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a02ca90 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a02cb80 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a02cc70 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a02cd60 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a02ce50 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a02cf40 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a032070 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a032160 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a032250 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a032340 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a032430 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a032520 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a032610 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a032700 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0327f0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0328e0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0329d0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a032ac0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a032bb0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a032ca0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a032d90 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a032e80 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a032f70 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0390a0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a039190 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a039280 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a039370 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a039460 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a039550 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a039640 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a039730 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a039820 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a039910 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a039a00 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a039af0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a039be0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a039cd0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a039dc0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a039eb0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a039fa0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0400d0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0401c0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0402b0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0403a0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a040490 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a040580 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a040670 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a040760 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a040850 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a040940 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a040a30 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a040b20 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a040c10 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a040d00 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a040df0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a040ee0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a040fd0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fe5100 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fe51f0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fe52e0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fe53d0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fe54c0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fe55b0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fe56a0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fe5790 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fe5880 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fe5970 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fe5a60 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fe5b50 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fe5c40 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fe5d30 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fe5e20 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fe5f10 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fcc040 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fcc130 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fcc220 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fcc310 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fcc400 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fcc4f0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fcc5e0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fcc6d0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fcc7c0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fcc8b0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fcc9a0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fcca90 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fccb80 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fccc70 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fccd60 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fcce50 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fccf40 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fd1070 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fd1160 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fd1250 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fd1340 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fd1430 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fd1520 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fd1610 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fd1700 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fd17f0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fd18e0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fd19d0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fd1ac0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fd1bb0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fd1ca0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fd1d90 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fd1e80 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fd1f70 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fef0a0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fef190 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fef280 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fef370 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fef460 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fef550 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fef640 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fef730 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fef820 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fef910 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fefa00 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fefaf0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fefbe0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fefcd0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fefdc0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129fefeb0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129feffa0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ff40d0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ff41c0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ff42b0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ff43a0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ff4490 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ff4580 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ff4670 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ff4760 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ff4850 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ff4940 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ff4a30 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ff4b20 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ff4c10 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ff4d00 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ff4df0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ff4ee0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ff4fd0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ffb100 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ffb1f0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ffb2e0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ffb3d0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ffb4c0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ffb5b0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ffb6a0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ffb790 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ffb880 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ffb970 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ffba60 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ffbb50 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ffbc40 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ffbd30 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ffbe20 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129ffbf10 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a002040 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a002130 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a002220 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a002310 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a002400 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0024f0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0025e0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0026d0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0027c0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0028b0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a0029a0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a002a90 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a002b80 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a002c70 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a002d60 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a002e50 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x12a002f40 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4f070 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4f160 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4f250 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4f340 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4f430 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4f520 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4f610 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4f700 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4f7f0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4f8e0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4f9d0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4fac0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4fbb0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4fca0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4fd90 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4fe80 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4ff70 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4a0a0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4a190 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4a280 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4a370 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4a460 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4a550 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4a640 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4a730 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4a820 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4a910 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4aa00 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4aaf0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4abe0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4acd0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4adc0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4aeb0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e4afa0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e5c0d0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e5c1c0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e5c2b0 state=pending>,
 <Future at 0x129e5c3a0 state=pending>,
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-111-45e45d9aa8bc> in <module>
----> 1 print(statuses.progress())
      2 statuses.actions

~/Programming/EasyVVUQ/easyvvuq/actions/ in progress(self)
     86                 running += 1
     87             elif action.done():
---> 88                 if not action.result():
     89                     failed += 1
     90                 else:

~/miniconda3/envs/easyvvuq/lib/python3.8/concurrent/futures/ in result(self, timeout)
    430                 raise CancelledError()
    431             elif self._state == FINISHED:
--> 432                 return self.__get_result()
    434             self._condition.wait(timeout)

~/miniconda3/envs/easyvvuq/lib/python3.8/concurrent/futures/ in __get_result(self)
    386     def __get_result(self):
    387         if self._exception:
--> 388             raise self._exception
    389         else:
    390             return self._result

~/miniconda3/envs/easyvvuq/lib/python3.8/concurrent/futures/ in run(self)
     56         try:
---> 57             result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
     58         except BaseException as exc:
     59             self.future.set_exception(exc)

~/Programming/EasyVVUQ/easyvvuq/actions/ in job_handler(self, status)
     52             ActionStatus of an action to be executed.
     53         """
---> 54         status.start()
     55         while not status.finished():
     56             time.sleep(self.poll_sleep_time)

~/Programming/EasyVVUQ/easyvvuq/actions/ in start(self)
     89         if self.started():
     90             raise RuntimeError('The pod has already started!')
---> 91         self.create_config_maps(self.config_names)
     92         self.create_volumes(self.config_names, self.body)
     93         self.core_v1.create_namespaced_pod(body=self.body, namespace="default")

~/Programming/EasyVVUQ/easyvvuq/actions/ in create_config_maps(self, file_names)
    162                 metadata=metadata
    163             )
--> 164             self.core_v1.create_namespaced_config_map(namespace='default', body=configmap)

~/miniconda3/envs/easyvvuq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kubernetes/client/api/ in create_namespaced_config_map(self, namespace, body, **kwargs)
   6628         """
   6629         kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True
-> 6630         return self.create_namespaced_config_map_with_http_info(namespace, body, **kwargs)  # noqa: E501
   6632     def create_namespaced_config_map_with_http_info(self, namespace, body, **kwargs):  # noqa: E501

~/miniconda3/envs/easyvvuq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kubernetes/client/api/ in create_namespaced_config_map_with_http_info(self, namespace, body, **kwargs)
   6723         auth_settings = ['BearerToken']  # noqa: E501
-> 6725         return self.api_client.call_api(
   6726             '/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/configmaps', 'POST',
   6727             path_params,

~/miniconda3/envs/easyvvuq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kubernetes/client/ in call_api(self, resource_path, method, path_params, query_params, header_params, body, post_params, files, response_type, auth_settings, async_req, _return_http_data_only, collection_formats, _preload_content, _request_timeout, _host)
    346         """
    347         if not async_req:
--> 348             return self.__call_api(resource_path, method,
    349                                    path_params, query_params, header_params,
    350                                    body, post_params, files,

~/miniconda3/envs/easyvvuq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kubernetes/client/ in __call_api(self, resource_path, method, path_params, query_params, header_params, body, post_params, files, response_type, auth_settings, _return_http_data_only, collection_formats, _preload_content, _request_timeout, _host)
    179         # perform request and return response
--> 180         response_data = self.request(
    181             method, url, query_params=query_params, headers=header_params,
    182             post_params=post_params, body=body,

~/miniconda3/envs/easyvvuq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kubernetes/client/ in request(self, method, url, query_params, headers, post_params, body, _preload_content, _request_timeout)
    389                                             _request_timeout=_request_timeout)
    390         elif method == "POST":
--> 391             return self.rest_client.POST(url,
    392                                          query_params=query_params,
    393                                          headers=headers,

~/miniconda3/envs/easyvvuq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kubernetes/client/ in POST(self, url, headers, query_params, post_params, body, _preload_content, _request_timeout)
    272     def POST(self, url, headers=None, query_params=None, post_params=None,
    273              body=None, _preload_content=True, _request_timeout=None):
--> 274         return self.request("POST", url,
    275                             headers=headers,
    276                             query_params=query_params,

~/miniconda3/envs/easyvvuq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kubernetes/client/ in request(self, method, url, query_params, headers, body, post_params, _preload_content, _request_timeout)
    165                     if body is not None:
    166                         request_body = json.dumps(body)
--> 167                     r = self.pool_manager.request(
    168                         method, url,
    169                         body=request_body,

~/miniconda3/envs/easyvvuq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/urllib3/ in request(self, method, url, fields, headers, **urlopen_kw)
     76             )
     77         else:
---> 78             return self.request_encode_body(
     79                 method, url, fields=fields, headers=headers, **urlopen_kw
     80             )

~/miniconda3/envs/easyvvuq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/urllib3/ in request_encode_body(self, method, url, fields, headers, encode_multipart, multipart_boundary, **urlopen_kw)
    168         extra_kw.update(urlopen_kw)
--> 170         return self.urlopen(method, url, **extra_kw)

~/miniconda3/envs/easyvvuq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/urllib3/ in urlopen(self, method, url, redirect, **kw)
    373             response = conn.urlopen(method, url, **kw)
    374         else:
--> 375             response = conn.urlopen(method, u.request_uri, **kw)
    377         redirect_location = redirect and response.get_redirect_location()

~/miniconda3/envs/easyvvuq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/urllib3/ in urlopen(self, method, url, body, headers, retries, redirect, assert_same_host, timeout, pool_timeout, release_conn, chunked, body_pos, **response_kw)
    686             # Request a connection from the queue.
    687             timeout_obj = self._get_timeout(timeout)
--> 688             conn = self._get_conn(timeout=pool_timeout)
    690             conn.timeout = timeout_obj.connect_timeout

~/miniconda3/envs/easyvvuq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/urllib3/ in _get_conn(self, timeout)
    278                 conn = None
--> 280         return conn or self._new_conn()
    282     def _put_conn(self, conn):

~/miniconda3/envs/easyvvuq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/urllib3/ in _new_conn(self)
    232         )
--> 234         conn = self.ConnectionCls(
    235   ,
    236             port=self.port,

~/miniconda3/envs/easyvvuq/lib/python3.8/site-packages/urllib3/ in __init__(self, *args, **kw)
    123         self.proxy_config = kw.pop("proxy_config", None)
--> 125         _HTTPConnection.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
    127     @property

TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'assert_hostname'
df = campaign.get_collation_result()
analysis = uq.analysis.EnsembleBoot(qoi_cols=["iteration"], groupby='ensemble', stat_func=np.mean, stat_name='mean')
results = campaign.get_last_analysis()
<easyvvuq.analysis.ensemble_boot.ResultsBoot object at 0x12b03a490>
[ ]:
plt.errorbar(list(range(2, 30, 2)),
             np.array([results['iteration']['mean'].values - results['iteration']['low'].values,
                       results['iteration']['high'].values - results['iteration']['mean'].values]))
plt.xlabel('duration (days)')
plt.ylabel('days until eradication')

Sensitivy Analysis with QMC

[ ]:
campaign = uq.Campaign(name='sobol_method')
[ ]:
vary = {
    "duration": cp.DiscreteUniform(7, 14),
    "mortality": cp.Uniform(0.1, 0.3),
qmc_sampler = uq.sampling.QMCSampler(vary, 100)
[ ]:
[ ]:
statuses = campaign.sample_and_apply(
    0, uq.actions.ExecuteLocalV2("{} epidemic_in.json output.csv".format(
        os.path.abspath('EasyVVUQ/tutorials/epidemic/')), interpret="python3"), 8)
[ ]:
[ ]:
df = campaign.get_collation_result()
[ ]:
from easyvvuq.analysis import QMCAnalysis
analysis = QMCAnalysis(qmc_sampler, ['n', 'duration', 'mortality'])
results = campaign.get_last_analysis()
results['sobols_first']['n']['n'][0], results['sobols_first']['mortality']['mortality'], results['sobols_first']['duration']['duration'])

Using Stochastic Collocation

[ ]:
params = {
    "grid_size": {"type": "float", "default": 10},
    "n": {"type": "float", "min": 1, "max": 100, "default": 20},
    "duration": {"type": "float", "min": 0, "max": 365, "default": 28},
    "mortality": {"type": "float", "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "default": 0.2}

campaign = uq.Campaign(name='epidemic_sc')
[ ]:
vary = {
    "n": cp.DiscreteUniform(10, 100),
    "duration": cp.DiscreteUniform(7, 56),
    "mortality": cp.Uniform(0.0, 1.0),
sampler = uq.sampling.SCSampler(vary=vary, polynomial_order=9)
[ ]:
statuses = campaign.sample_and_apply(
        'output.csv'), 8)
[ ]:
[ ]:
df = campaign.get_collation_result()

And the analysis can be done with: :

[ ]:
analysis = uq.analysis.SCAnalysis(sampler=sampler, qoi_cols=["iteration"])
[ ]:
n = np.linspace(5, 100, 20)
duration = np.linspace(7, 50, 20)
mortality = 0.7
grid = np.meshgrid(n, duration, mortality)
z = np.array([analysis.surrogate('iteration', [grid[0].flatten()[i], grid[1].flatten()[i], mortality]) for i in range(n.shape[0] * duration.shape[0])]).flatten()
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi= 80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
ax.set_zlim(0, 200)
ax.plot_trisurf(grid[0].flatten(), grid[1].flatten(), z)

Let us quickly check the correspondence of the surrogate model to the data we have collected during our parameter sweep experiment. What we’re looking for is the curve should be within the confidence interval we have calculated.

[ ]:
n = [20] * 14
duration = list(range(2, 30, 2))
mortality = [0.2] * 14

plt.plot(([analysis.surrogate('iteration', [n_, duration_, mortality_])[0] for n_, duration_, mortality_ in zip(n, duration, mortality)]))
plt.ylim(0, 100)
[ ]: