Source code for easyvvuq.sampling.stochastic_collocation

from .base import BaseSamplingElement, Vary
import chaospy as cp
import numpy as np
import pickle
from itertools import product, chain
import logging

__author__ = "Wouter Edeling"
__copyright__ = """

    Copyright 2018 Robin A. Richardson, David W. Wright

    This file is part of EasyVVUQ

    EasyVVUQ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    EasyVVUQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

__license__ = "LGPL"

[docs]class SCSampler(BaseSamplingElement, sampler_name="sc_sampler"): """ Stochastic Collocation sampler """ def __init__(self, vary=None, polynomial_order=4, quadrature_rule="G", count=0, growth=False, sparse=False, midpoint_level1=True, dimension_adaptive=False): """ Create the sampler for the Stochastic Collocation method. Parameters ---------- vary: dict or None keys = parameters to be sampled, values = distributions. polynomial_order : int, optional The polynomial order, default is 4. quadrature_rule : char, optional The quadrature method, default is Gaussian "G". growth: bool, optional Sets the growth rule to exponential for Clenshaw Curtis quadrature, which makes it nested, and therefore more efficient for sparse grids. Default is False. sparse : bool, optional If True use sparse grid instead of normal tensor product grid, default is False. """ self.vary = Vary(vary) self.quadrature_rule = quadrature_rule # List of the probability distributions of uncertain parameters params_distribution = list(self.vary.get_values()) # N = number of uncertain parameters self.N = len(params_distribution) logging.debug("param dist {}".format(params_distribution)) # Multivariate distribution self.joint_dist = cp.J(*params_distribution) # The quadrature information: order, rule and sparsity if isinstance(polynomial_order, int): logging.debug('Received integer polynomial order, assuming isotropic grid') self.polynomial_order = [polynomial_order for i in range(self.N)] else: self.polynomial_order = polynomial_order self.quad_rule = quadrature_rule self.sparse = sparse # determines how many points the 1st level of a sparse grid will have. # If midpoint_level1 = True, order 0 quadrature will be generated self.midpoint_level1 = midpoint_level1 # determines wether to use an insotropic sparse grid, or to adapt # the levels in the sparse grid based on a hierachical error measure self.dimension_adaptive = dimension_adaptive self.nadaptations = 0 self.quad_sparse = sparse self.growth = growth self.params_distribution = params_distribution self.check_max_quad_level() # determine if a nested sparse grid is used if self.sparse is True and self.growth is True and \ (self.quad_rule == "C" or self.quad_rule == "clenshaw_curtis"): self.nested = True elif self.sparse is True and self.growth is False and self.quad_rule == "gauss_patterson": self.nested = True elif self.sparse is True and self.growth is True and self.quad_rule == "newton_cotes": self.nested = True else: self.nested = False # L = level of (sparse) grid self.L = np.max(self.polynomial_order) # compute the 1D collocation points (and quad weights) self.compute_1D_points_weights(self.L, self.N) # compute N-dimensional collocation points if not self.sparse: # generate collocation grid locally l_norm = np.array([self.polynomial_order]) self.xi_d = self.generate_grid(l_norm) # sparse grid = a linear combination of tensor products of 1D rules # of different order. Use chaospy to compute these 1D quadrature rules else: self.l_norm = self.compute_sparse_multi_idx(self.L, self.N) # create sparse grid of dimension N and level q using the 1d # rules in self.xi_1d self.xi_d = self.generate_grid(self.l_norm) self._n_samples = self.xi_d.shape[0] self.count = 0 @property def analysis_class(self): """Return a corresponding analysis class. """ from easyvvuq.analysis import SCAnalysis return SCAnalysis
[docs] def compute_1D_points_weights(self, L, N): """ Computes 1D collocation points and quad weights, and stores this in self.xi_1d, self.wi_1d. Parameters ---------- L : (int) the max level of the (sparse) grid N : (int) the number of uncertain parameters Returns ------- None. """ # for every dimension (parameter), create a hierachy of 1D # quadrature rules of increasing order self.xi_1d = [{} for n in range(N)] self.wi_1d = [{} for n in range(N)] if self.sparse: # if level one of the sparse grid is a midpoint rule, generate # the quadrature with order 0 (1 quad point). Else set order at # level 1 to 1 if self.midpoint_level1: j = 0 else: j = 1 for n in range(N): # check if input is discrete uniform, in which case the # rule and growth flag must be modified if isinstance(self.params_distribution[n], cp.DiscreteUniform): rule = "discrete" else: rule = self.quad_rule for i in range(L): xi_i, wi_i = cp.generate_quadrature(i + j, self.params_distribution[n], rule=rule, growth=self.growth) self.xi_1d[n][i + 1] = xi_i[0] self.wi_1d[n][i + 1] = wi_i else: for n in range(N): # check if input is discrete uniform, in which case the # rule flag must be modified if isinstance(self.params_distribution[n], cp.DiscreteUniform): rule = "discrete" else: rule = self.quad_rule xi_i, wi_i = cp.generate_quadrature(self.polynomial_order[n], self.params_distribution[n], rule=rule, growth=self.growth) self.xi_1d[n][self.polynomial_order[n]] = xi_i[0] self.wi_1d[n][self.polynomial_order[n]] = wi_i
[docs] def check_max_quad_level(self): """ If a discrete variable is specified, there is the possibility of non unique collocation points if the quadrature order is high enough. This subroutine prevents that. NOTE: Only detects cp.DiscreteUniform thus far The max quad orders are stores in self.max_quad_order Returns ------- None """ # assume no maximum by default self.max_level = np.ones(self.N) * 1000 for n in range(self.N): # if a discrete uniform is specified check max order if isinstance(self.params_distribution[n], cp.DiscreteUniform): # if level one of the sparse grid is a midpoint rule, generate # the quadrature with order 0 (1 quad point). Else set order at # level 1 to 1 if self.midpoint_level1: j = 0 else: j = 1 number_of_points = 0 for order in range(1000): xi_i, wi_i = cp.generate_quadrature(order + j, self.params_distribution[n], growth=self.growth) # if the quadrature points no longer grow with the quad order, # then the max order has been reached if xi_i.size == number_of_points: break number_of_points = xi_i.size logging.debug("Input %d is discrete, setting max quadrature order to %d" % (n, order - 1)) # level 1 = order 0 etc self.max_level[n] = order
[docs] def next_level_sparse_grid(self): """ Adds the points of the next level for isotropic hierarchical sparse grids. Returns ------- None. """ if self.nested is False: print('Only works for nested sparse grids') return self.look_ahead(self.l_norm) self.l_norm = np.append(self.l_norm, self.admissible_idx, axis=0)
[docs] def look_ahead(self, current_multi_idx): """ The look-ahead step in (dimension-adaptive) sparse grid sampling. Allows for anisotropic sampling plans. Computes the admissible forward neighbors with respect to the current level multi-indices. The admissible level indices l are added to self.admissible_idx. The code will be evaluated next iteration at the new collocation points corresponding to the levels in admissble_idx. Source: Gerstner, Griebel, "Numerical integration using sparse grids" Parameters ---------- current_multi_idx : array of the levels in the current iteration of the sparse grid. Returns ------- None. """ # compute all forward neighbors for every l in current_multi_idx forward_neighbor = [] e_n = np.eye(self.N, dtype=int) for l in current_multi_idx: for n in range(self.N): # the forward neighbor is l plus a unit vector forward_neighbor.append(l + e_n[n]) # remove duplicates forward_neighbor = np.unique(np.array(forward_neighbor), axis=0) # remove those which are already in the grid forward_neighbor = setdiff2d(forward_neighbor, current_multi_idx) # make sure the final candidates are admissible (all backward neighbors # must be in the current multi indices) logging.debug('Computing admissible levels...') admissible_idx = [] for l in forward_neighbor: admissible = True for n in range(self.N): backward_neighbor = l - e_n[n] # find backward_neighbor in current_multi_idx idx = np.where((backward_neighbor == current_multi_idx).all(axis=1))[0] # if backward neighbor is not in the current index set # and it is 'on the interior' (contains no 0): not admissible if idx.size == 0 and backward_neighbor[n] != 0: admissible = False break # if all backward neighbors are in the current index set: l is admissible if admissible: admissible_idx.append(l) logging.debug('done') self.admissible_idx = np.array(admissible_idx) # make sure that all entries of each index are <= the max quadrature order # The max quad order can be low for discrete input variables idx = np.where((self.admissible_idx <= self.max_level).all(axis=1))[0] self.admissible_idx = self.admissible_idx[idx] logging.debug('Admissible multi-indices:\n%s', self.admissible_idx) # determine the maximum level L of the new index set L = |l| - N + 1 # self.L = np.max(np.sum(self.admissible_idx, axis=1) - self.N + 1) self.L = np.max(self.admissible_idx) # recompute the 1D weights and collocation points self.compute_1D_points_weights(self.L, self.N) # compute collocation grid based on the admissible level indices admissible_grid = self.generate_grid(self.admissible_idx) # remove collocation points which have already been computed if not hasattr(self, 'xi_d'): self.xi_d = self.generate_grid(self.admissible_idx) self._n_samples = self.xi_d.shape[0] new_points = setdiff2d(admissible_grid, self.xi_d) logging.debug('%d new points added' % new_points.shape[0]) # keep track of the number of points added per iteration if not hasattr(self, 'n_new_points'): self.n_new_points = [] self.n_new_points.append(new_points.shape[0]) # update the number of samples self._n_samples += new_points.shape[0] # update the N-dimensional sparse grid if unsampled points are added if new_points.shape[0] > 0: self.xi_d = np.concatenate((self.xi_d, new_points)) # count the number of times the dimensions were adapted self.nadaptations += 1
[docs] def is_finite(self): return True
@property def n_samples(self): """ Number of samples (Ns) of SC method. - When using tensor quadrature: Ns = (p + 1)**d - When using sparid: Ns = bigO((p + 1)*log(p + 1)**(d-1)) Where: p is the polynomial degree and d is the number of uncertain parameters. Ref: Eck et al. 'A guide to uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis for cardiovascular applications' [2016]. """ return self._n_samples # SC collocations points are not random, generate_runs simply returns # one collocation point from the tensor product after the other def __next__(self): if self.count < self._n_samples: run_dict = {} i_par = 0 for param_name in self.vary.get_keys(): run_dict[param_name] = self.xi_d[self.count][i_par] i_par += 1 self.count += 1 return run_dict else: raise StopIteration
[docs] def save_state(self, filename): logging.debug("Saving sampler state to %s" % filename) file = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump(self.__dict__, file) file.close()
[docs] def load_state(self, filename): logging.debug("Loading sampler state from %s" % filename) file = open(filename, 'rb') self.__dict__ = pickle.load(file) file.close()
""" ========================= (SPARSE) GRID SUBROUTINES ========================= """
[docs] def generate_grid(self, l_norm): dimensions = range(self.N) H_L_N = [] # loop over all multi indices i for l in l_norm: # compute the tensor product of nodes indexed by i X_l = [self.xi_1d[n][l[n]] for n in dimensions] H_L_N.append(list(product(*X_l))) # flatten the list of lists H_L_N = np.array(list(chain(*H_L_N))) # return unique nodes return np.unique(H_L_N, axis=0)
[docs] def compute_sparse_multi_idx(self, L, N): """ computes all N dimensional multi-indices l = (l1,...,lN) such that |l| <= L + N - 1, i.e. a simplex set: 3 * 2 * * (L=3 and N=2) 1 * * * 1 2 3 Here |l| is the internal sum of i (l1+...+lN) """ # old implementation: does not scale well # P = np.array(list(product(range(1, L + 1), repeat=N))) # multi_idx = P[np.where(np.sum(P, axis=1) <= L + N - 1)[0]] # use the look_ahead subroutine to build an isotropic sparse grid (faster) multi_idx = np.array([np.ones(self.N, dtype='int')]) for l in range(self.L - 1): self.look_ahead(multi_idx) # accept all admissible indices to build an isotropic grid multi_idx = np.append(multi_idx, self.admissible_idx, axis=0) return multi_idx
[docs]def setdiff2d(X, Y): """ Computes the difference of two 2D arrays X and Y Parameters ---------- X : 2D numpy array Y : 2D numpy array Returns ------- The difference X \\ Y as a 2D array """ diff = set(map(tuple, X)) - set(map(tuple, Y)) return np.array(list(diff))