Source code for easyvvuq.analysis.results

Represents the results obtained during the analysis stage.
All the analysis classes should implement this in a way that makes
most sense. Provides a more unified interface for accessing the results
in a variety of formats (e.g. NumPy arrays or pandas DataFrames). This module
also provides a variety of ways to display results as well as a way to access
surrogate functionality.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import itertools

[docs]class AnalysisResults: """Contains the analysis results. Parameters ---------- raw_data: obj An arbitrary object that contains raw analysis data. samples: pandas DataFrame Collated samples. qois: list of str List of qoi names used during the analysis. inputs: list of str List of input names used during the analysis. """ def __init__(self, raw_data=None, samples=None, qois=None, inputs=None): self.raw_data = raw_data self.samples = samples self.qois = qois self.inputs = inputs
[docs] def supported_stats(self): """Returns a list of descriptive statistics that the method reports. Examples -------- >>> results.supported_stats() ['min', 'max', '10%', '90%', '1%', '99%', 'median', 'mean', 'var', 'std'] Returns ------- list of str A list of statistics that can then be passed to the `describe` method. """ raise NotImplementedError('descriptive statistics not available in this method')
def _get_sobols_first(self, qoi, input_): """Returns first order Sobol indices. Parameters ---------- qoi - str or tuple Quantity of interest or if a tuple quantity of interest plus coordinate index (for cases where qoi is vector valued). input_ - str Input variable name. Returns ------- np.array An array with first order sobol indices. If the `qoi` is not vector valued the array will have one element. """ raise NotImplementedError def _get_sobols_second(self, qoi, input_): """Returns second order Sobol indices. Parameters ---------- qoi - str or tuple Quantity of interest or if a tuple quantity of interest plus coordinate index (for cases where qoi is vector valued). input_ - str Input variable name. Returns ------- np.array An array with first order sobol indices. If the `qoi` is not vector valued the array will have one element. """ raise NotImplementedError def _get_sobols_total(self, qoi, input_): """Returns total order Sobol indices. Parameters ---------- qoi - str or tuple Quantity of interest or if a tuple quantity of interest plus coordinate index (for cases where qoi is vector valued). input_ - str Input variable name. Returns ------- np.array An array with total order sobol indices. If the `qoi` is not vector valued the array will have one element. """ raise NotImplementedError def _get_sobols_first_conf(self, qoi, input_): """Returns confidence intervals for first order Sobol indices. Attributes ---------- qoi : str Name of the qoi for which the first order sensitivity index confidence interval is requested. input_ : str Name of the input for which the first order sensitivy index confidence interval is requested. Returns ------- list A list of two floats - lower and upper confidence interval bounds. """ raise NotImplementedError def _get_sobols_total_conf(self, qoi, input_): """Returns confidence intervals for total order Sobol indices. Attributes ---------- qoi : str Name of the qoi for which the first order sensitivity index confidence interval is requested. input_ : str Name of the input for which the first order sensitivy index confidence interval is requested. Returns ------- list A list of two floats - lower and upper confidence interval bounds. """ raise NotImplementedError def _get_sobols_general(self, getter, qoi=None, input_=None): """A generic method for getting sobol indices. Parameters ---------- getter: function Method that takes a AnalysisResults instance and returns a Sobol index of some kind. For example _get_bonols_first. qoi: str or tuple The name of the quantity of interest or None. Use a tuple of the form (qoi, index) where index is integer that means the coordinate index of a vector qoi. input_: str The name of the input parameter or None. Returns ------- dict or array """ assert (not ((qoi is None) and (input_ is not None))) if (qoi is not None) and (qoi not in self.qois): raise RuntimeError('no such qoi in this analysis') if (input_ is not None) and (input_ not in self.inputs): raise RuntimeError('no such input variable in this analysis') try: if input_ is None: if qoi is None: return dict([(qoi_, dict([(in_, getter(qoi_, in_)) for in_ in self.inputs])) for qoi_ in self.qois]) else: return dict([(in_, getter(qoi, in_)) for in_ in self.inputs]) else: return getter(qoi, input_) except NotImplementedError: raise RuntimeError( 'this kind of sobol index reporting not implemented in this analysis method')
[docs] def sobols_first(self, qoi=None, input_=None): """Return first order sensitivity indices. Parameters ---------- qoi: str or tuple The name of the quantity of interest or None. Use a tuple of the form (qoi, index) where index is integer that means the coordinate index of a vector qoi. input_: str The name of the input parameter or None. Examples -------- >>> results.sobols_first() {'f': {'x1': array([0.610242]), 'x2': array([0.26096511])}} >>> results.sobols_first('f') {'x1': array([0.610242]), 'x2': array([0.26096511])} >>> results.sobols_first('f', 'x1') array([0.610242]) >>> results_vectors.sobols_first(('g', 2)) {'x1': array([0.5]), 'x2': array([0.5])} Returns ------- dict or array If both qoi and input_ are specified will return a dictionary, otherwise will return an array. """ return self._get_sobols_general(self._get_sobols_first, qoi, input_)
[docs] def sobols_second(self, qoi=None, input_=None): """Return second order sensitivity indices. Parameters ---------- qoi: str or tuple The name of the quantity of interest or None. Use a tuple of the form (qoi, index) where index is integer that means the coordinate index of a vector qoi. input_: str The name of the input parameter or None. Examples -------- >>> results.sobols_second('a') {'F': {'L': array([0.000121]), 'a': array([0.00695338]), 'D': array([0.00141272])}, 'L': {'F': array([0.000121]), 'a': array([0.00012737]), 'D': array([0.00012716])}, 'a': {'F': array([0.00695338]), 'L': array([0.00012737]), 'D': array([0.00730415])}, 'D': {'F': array([0.00141272]), 'L': array([0.00012716]), 'a': array([0.00730415])}} >>> results.sobols_second('g1', 'L') {'F': array([0.000121]), 'a': array([0.00012737]), 'D': array([0.00012716])} Returns ------- dict Will always return a dictionary unlike first order sobol indices. Because the index is specified by a pair of inputs. The dictionary will include all inputs but `input_`. """ return self._get_sobols_general(self._get_sobols_second, qoi, input_)
[docs] def sobols_total(self, qoi=None, input_=None): """Returns total order sensitivity indices. Parameters ---------- qoi: str or tuple The name of the quantity of interest or None. Use a tuple of the form (qoi, index) where index is integer that means the coordinate index of a vector qoi. input_: str The name of the input parameter or None. Examples -------- >>> results.sobols_total('g1') {'F': array([0.14299044]), 'L': array([0.01247877]), 'a': array([0.7105291]), 'D': array([0.15018883])} >>> results.sobols_total('g1', 'F') array([0.14299044]) Returns ------- dict or array If both qoi and input_ are specified will return a dictionary, otherwise will return an array. """ return self._get_sobols_general(self._get_sobols_total, qoi, input_)
[docs] def surrogate(self): """Returns the surrogate model as a function from parameter dictionary to output dictionary. This only needs to be implemented if the analysis method in question provides surrogate models. Returns ------- function Returns a function that takes a dictionary and returns a dictionary. These dictionaries use the same format as Encoder and Decoder used to construct the surrogate. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def describe(self, qoi=None, statistic=None): """Returns descriptive statistics. Examples -------- >>> results.describe() g h 0 1 2 0 1 mean 0.500000 0.500000 1.000000 0.250000 0.693787 var 0.083333 0.083333 0.166667 0.048611 0.068236 std 0.288675 0.288675 0.408248 0.220479 0.261220 10% 0.100897 0.099462 0.441589 0.019049 0.276504 90% 0.896960 0.899417 1.544624 0.584600 0.974707 min 0.000041 0.000005 0.016687 0.000016 -0.008642 max 0.999998 0.999873 1.993517 0.985350 1.024599 >>> result.describe('h') h 0 1 mean 0.250000 0.693787 var 0.048611 0.068236 std 0.220479 0.261220 10% 0.019049 0.276504 90% 0.584600 0.974707 min 0.000016 -0.008642 max 0.985350 1.024599 >>> results.describe('h', 'var') array([0.04861111, 0.06823568]) Parameters ---------- qoi: str or None if not None it is the name of the quantity of interest statistic: str or None if not None it is the name of the statistic, currently supported ones are: ['mean', 'var', 'std', '10%', '90%', 'min', 'max', 'median'] Returns ------- DataFrame or array If both quantity of interest and the statistic are specified will return an array with the values for that statistic. Otherwise will return a DataFrame with more data. """ assert (not ((qoi is None) and (statistic is not None))) statistics = ['mean', 'var', 'std', '1%', '10%', '90%', '99%', 'min', 'max', 'median'] qois = self.qois if qoi is not None: qois = [qoi] if statistic is not None: statistics = [statistic] result = {} for qoi in qois: for statistic_ in statistics: try: value = self._describe(qoi, statistic_) assert (isinstance(value, np.ndarray)) for i, x in enumerate(value): try: result[(qoi, i)][statistic_] = x except KeyError: result[(qoi, i)] = {statistic_: x} except NotImplementedError: if statistic is not None: raise RuntimeError( "this statistic ({}) is not reported by this analysis class".format(statistic)) if qois is not None and statistic is not None: return pd.DataFrame(result)[qoi].loc[statistic].values else: return pd.DataFrame(result)
[docs] def plot_sobols_treemap(self, qoi, figsize=(10, 10), ax=None, filename=None, dpi=None): """Plot sobols first and second order indices in a hierarchical treemap format. Parameters ---------- qoi: str Name of the quantity of interest. figsize: tuple A tuple with two integers representing figure size in inches. ax: matplotlib Matplotlib axis to plot on. filename: str Filename to write the plot to. If left None will display to screen. dpi: int Dots per inches. Only used when writing to file. """ if qoi not in self.qois: raise RuntimeError("no such qoi - {}".format(qoi)) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib._color_data as mcd import squarify sobols_first = self.sobols_first(qoi) keys = list(sobols_first.keys()) values = [value[0] for value in list(sobols_first.values())] keys = ["{}\n{:.5f}".format(key, value) for key, value in zip(keys, values)] if sum(values) < 1.0: keys.append("higher orders\n{:.5f}".format(1.0 - sum(values))) values.append(1.0 - sum(values)) colors = mcd.XKCD_COLORS if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig = ax.get_figure() fig.set_size_inches(figsize) ax.set_title("Decomposition of {} variance".format(qoi)) squarify.plot(sizes=values, label=keys, color=colors, ax=ax, pad=True) ax.axis('off') if filename is None: else: fig.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi)
[docs] def plot_sobols_first(self, qoi, inputs=None, withdots=False, ylabel=None, xlabel=None, xvalues=None, filename=None, dpi=None, ax=None): """Plot first order sobol indices. Parameters ---------- qoi: str a vector quantity of interest for which sobol indices will be plotted inputs: list of str or None list of inputs to plot if None will use all input variables withdots: bool if True will add shapes on top of the lines in the plot for visual clarity ylabel: str or None if None will use "First Order Sobol Index" xlabel: str or None if None will use the name of the qoi xvalues: array or None x-axis coordiante if None will use range(len(qoi_values)) filename: str or None if None will try to open a plotting window on-screen, otherwise will write the plot to this file, with the type determined by the extension specified dpi: int dots per inch, quality of the image if a raster format was chosen ax: matplotlib axes object, default None if None, plots to a new axes, otherwise plot to existing axes ax Returns ------- matplotlib axes object the actual axes plotted to """ if qoi not in self.qois: raise RuntimeError("no such qoi - {}".format(qoi)) if inputs is None: inputs = self.inputs for input_ in inputs: if input_ not in self.inputs: raise RuntimeError("no such input variable - {}".format(input_)) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if withdots: styles = itertools.cycle(['-o', '-v', '-^', '-<', '->', '-8', '-s', '-p', '-*', '-h', '-H', '-D', '-d', '-P', '-X']) else: styles = itertools.cycle(['-']) points = None for input_ in inputs: if points is None: indices = self.sobols_first(qoi, input_) if len(indices) < 2: raise RuntimeError('this method is only implemented for vector qois') points = [indices] else: points.append(self.sobols_first(qoi, input_)) if xvalues is None: xvalues = np.arange(len(points[0])) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig = ax.get_figure() higher = np.array([1.0] * len(points[0])) for p, label in zip(points, inputs): higher -= p ax.plot(xvalues, p, next(styles), label=label) ax.plot(xvalues, higher, next(styles), label='higher orders') ax.grid(True) if ylabel is None: ax.set_ylabel('First Order Sobol Index') else: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if xlabel is None: ax.set_xlabel('x-axis') else: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.legend() if filename is not None: fig.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi) return ax
[docs] def plot_moments( self, qoi, ylabel=None, xlabel=None, xvalues=None, alpha=0.2, filename=None, dpi=None, ax=None): """Plot statistical moments for this analysis. Parameters ---------- qoi: str a vector quantity of interest for which sobol indices will be plotted ylabel: str or None if None will use "Values" xlabel: str or None if None will use the name of the qoi xvalues: array or None x-axis coordiante if None will use range(len(qoi_values))) alpha: float transparency amount filename: str or None if None will try to open a plotting window on-screen, otherwise will write the plot to this file, with the type determined by the extension specified dpi: int dots per inch, quality of the image if a raster format was chosen ax: matplotlib axes object, default None if None, plots to a new axes, otherwise plot to existing axes ax Returns ------- matplotlib axes object the actual axes plotted to """ if qoi not in self.qois: raise RuntimeError("no such qoi - {}".format(qoi)) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig = ax.get_figure() if xvalues is None: xvalues = np.arange(len(self.describe(qoi, 'mean'))) ax.fill_between(xvalues, self.describe(qoi, 'mean') - self.describe(qoi, 'std'), self.describe(qoi, 'mean') + self.describe(qoi, 'std'), label='std', alpha=alpha) ax.plot(xvalues, self.describe(qoi, 'mean'), label='mean') ax.plot(xvalues, self.describe(qoi, '1%'), '--', label='1%', color='black') ax.plot(xvalues, self.describe(qoi, '99%'), '--', label='99%', color='black') ax.grid(True) if ylabel is None: ax.set_ylabel(qoi) else: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if xlabel is None: ax.set_xlabel('x-axis') else: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.legend() if filename is not None: fig.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi) return ax
[docs] def get_distribution(self, qoi): """Returns a distribution for the given qoi. Parameters ---------- qoi: str QoI name Returns ------- A ChaosPy distribution """ raise NotImplementedError
@staticmethod def _keys_to_tuples(dictionary): """Convert the keys in the dictionary to tuples. Parameters ---------- dictionary : dict A dictionary with either strings or tuples as keys. Examples -------- >>> AnalysisResults._keys_to_tuples({'a': 1, 'b': 2}) {('a', 0): 1, ('b', 0): 2}) >>> AnalysisResults._keys_to_tuples({('a', 0): 1, ('b', 0): 2}) {('a', 0): 1, ('b', 0): 2}) >>> AnalysisResults._keys_to_tuples({('a', 0): 1, 'b': 2}) {('a', 0): 1, ('b', 0): 2}) Returns ------- A dictionary with tuples as keys. """ new_dict = {} for key in dictionary.keys(): new_dict[AnalysisResults._to_tuple(key)] = dictionary[key] return new_dict @staticmethod def _to_tuple(key): """Convert key to tuple if it is string, otherwise leave as is. Parameters ---------- key: str or tuple Examples -------- >>> AnalysisResults._to_tuple('a') ('a', 0) >>> AnalysisResults._to_tuple(('a', 0)) ('a', 0) Returns ------- Tuple if key is string, key if key is tuple. """ if isinstance(key, tuple): return key elif isinstance(key, str): return (key, 0) else: raise RuntimeError("this method expects either a string or tuple")