Source code for easyvvuq.analysis.gp_analyse

"""Will create a Gaussian Process surrogate of your model. For
the sampler you can use the random sampler or the quasi-random
sampler. Don't forget to set the analysis class to GaussianProcessSurrogate
as is shown in the example below.

This uses the Gaussian Process model from sklearn.

>>> campaign = uq.Campaign(name='surrogate')
>>> sampler = uq.sampling.RandomSampler(
    vary = {"Pe": cp.Uniform(100.0, 200.0), "f": cp.Uniform(0.95, 1.05)}
    max_num=100, analysis_class=uq.analysis.GaussianProcessSurrogate)
>>> campaign.add_app(name="sc", params=params, actions=actions)
>>> campaign.set_sampler(sampler)
>>> campaign.execute().collate()
>>> results = campaign.analyse(qoi_cols=output_columns)
>>> surrogate = results.surrogate()
>>> surrogate({'Pe' : 110.0, 'f': 1.0})

from .base import BaseAnalysisElement
from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor
from .results import AnalysisResults
import numpy as np

[docs]class GaussianProcessSurrogateResults(AnalysisResults): """Gaussian process surrogate results class. You would never create this manually in normal use. It is meant to be returned as the result of GaussianProcessSurrogate analyse method. Parameters ---------- gps: list This will be one GP model for each coordinate of a vector QoI. parameters: list A list of input parameter names. qoi: str Output variable name. """ def __init__(self, gp, parameters, qoi): = gp self.parameters = parameters self.qoi = qoi
[docs] def surrogate(self): """Returns the GP surrogate model as a Python function. Returns ------- function Returns a function that takes a dictionary and returns a dictionary. These dictionaries use the same format as Encoder and Decoder used to construct the surrogate. """ def surrogate_fn(inputs): values = np.array([[inputs[key] for key in self.parameters]]) return {self.qoi[0]: [x for x in[0]]} return surrogate_fn
[docs] def get_params(self): return
[docs]class GaussianProcessSurrogate(BaseAnalysisElement): def __init__(self, sampler, qoi_cols, **kwargs): """An analysis class that can construct a Gaussian Process surrogate of your model. Based on the sklearn GaussianProgressRegressor class. Parameters ---------- sampler : Sampler `Sampler` that was used to generate samples to train this surrogate model. qoi_cols : list Corresponding target values (can be vectors). """ self.sampler = sampler self.attr_cols = list(sampler.vary.get_keys()) self.target_cols = qoi_cols self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def analyse(self, data_frame=None): """Construct a Gaussian Process surrogate based on data in `data_frame`. Parameters ---------- data_frame : pandas.DataFrame Data which you want to use to fit the Gaussian Process to. kwargs : keyword arguments These arguments will be passed to sklearn's GaussianProcessRegressor. For details on what this could be, please see Returns ------- `GaussianProcessSurrogateResults` instance. Used to interact with the surrogate model and to possibly access other functionality provided by the fitted model. """ x = data_frame[self.attr_cols].values # lgtm [py/hash-unhashable-value] y = data_frame[self.target_cols].values # lgtm [py/hash-unhashable-value] gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(**self.kwargs) gp =, y) return GaussianProcessSurrogateResults(gp, self.attr_cols, self.target_cols)