Source code for easyvvuq.actions.execute_local

"""This module provides an assortment of actions generally concerned with executing
simulations locally. Some Actions will also be useful when using Dask.

import os
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import subprocess
import dill
import copy

__license__ = "LGPL"

[docs]def local_execute(encoder, command, decoder, root='/tmp'): """A helper function for a simple local execution. It will create a directory under your specified root folder, encode the sampler output, execute a command and decode the results of the simulation. Parameters ---------- encoder: Encoder an encoder to use command: list of str a command to run your simulation (same as argument to popen, e.g. ['ls', '-al']) decoder: Decoder a decoder to use root: str root folder, for example '/tmp' or if you want to use ram based filesystem it could be '/dev/shm' Returns ------- Actions """ return Actions( CreateRunDirectory(root), Encode(encoder), ExecuteLocal(command), Decode(decoder))
[docs]class CreateRunDirectory(): """Creates a directory structure for storing simulation input and output files. Parameters ---------- root: str Root directory to create a directory structure in. flatten: bool If set to True will result in a flat directory structure (each run gets a directory under root). If left as False will create a hierarchical structure. This is useful so as not to overload the filesystem. """ def __init__(self, root, flatten=False): self.root = root self.flatten = flatten
[docs] def start(self, previous=None): """Starts the action. Will read a `run_id` from a dictionary supplied by the previous `Action`. Will then create a directory structure based on the numerical value of the `run_id`. Returns ------- dict A dictionary to be passed to the following `Action`. """ run_id = previous['run_id'] level1_a, level1_b = (int(run_id / 100 ** 4) * 100 ** 4, int(run_id / 100 ** 4 + 1) * 100 ** 4) level2_a, level2_b = (int(run_id / 100 ** 3) * 100 ** 3, int(run_id / 100 ** 3 + 1) * 100 ** 3) level3_a, level3_b = (int(run_id / 100 ** 2) * 100 ** 2, int(run_id / 100 ** 2 + 1) * 100 ** 2) level4_a, level4_b = (int(run_id / 100 ** 1) * 100 ** 1, int(run_id / 100 ** 1 + 1) * 100 ** 1) level1_dir = "runs_{}-{}/".format(level1_a, level1_b) level2_dir = "runs_{}-{}/".format(level2_a, level2_b) level3_dir = "runs_{}-{}/".format(level3_a, level3_b) level4_dir = "runs_{}-{}/".format(level4_a, level4_b) level5_dir = "run_{}".format(int(run_id)) if self.flatten: path = os.path.join(self.root, previous['campaign_dir'], 'runs', level5_dir) else: path = os.path.join(self.root, previous['campaign_dir'], 'runs', level1_dir, level2_dir, level3_dir, level4_dir, level5_dir) Path(path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) previous['rundir'] = path self.result = previous return self.result
[docs] def succeeded(self): """Has the `Action` finished successfully. Returns ------- bool True if `Action` completed successfully. False otherwise. """ return True
[docs]class Encode(): def __init__(self, encoder): self.encoder = encoder
[docs] def start(self, previous=None): self.encoder.encode( params=previous['run_info']['params'], target_dir=previous['rundir']) try: previous['encoder_filename'] = self.encoder.target_filename except AttributeError: pass return previous
[docs] def finished(self): return True
[docs] def finalise(self): pass
[docs] def succeeeded(self): return True
[docs]class Decode(): def __init__(self, decoder): self.decoder = decoder
[docs] def start(self, previous=None): run_info = copy.copy(previous['run_info']) run_info['run_dir'] = previous['rundir'] result = self.decoder.parse_sim_output(run_info) previous['result'] = result previous['decoder_filename'] = self.decoder.target_filename previous['collated'] = True return previous
[docs] def finished(self): return True
[docs] def finalise(self): pass
[docs] def succeeded(self): return True
[docs]class CleanUp(): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def start(self, previous=None): if not ('rundir' in previous.keys()): raise RuntimeError('must be used with actions that create a directory structure') shutil.rmtree(previous['rundir']) return previous
[docs] def finished(self): return True
[docs] def finalise(self): pass
[docs] def succeeded(self): return True
[docs]class ExecutePython(): def __init__(self, function): self.function = dill.dumps(function) self.params = None self.eval_result = None
[docs] def start(self, previous=None): function = dill.loads(self.function) self.eval_result = function(previous['run_info']['params']) previous['result'] = self.eval_result previous['collated'] = True return previous
[docs] def finished(self): if self.eval_result is None: return False else: return True
[docs] def finalise(self): pass
[docs] def succeeded(self): if not self.finished(): raise RuntimeError('action did not finish yet') else: return True
[docs]class ExecuteLocal(): def __init__(self, full_cmd, stdout=None, stderr=None): self.full_cmd = full_cmd.split() self.popen_object = None self.ret = None self._started = False self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr
[docs] def start(self, previous=None): target_dir = previous['rundir'] if isinstance(self.stdout, str): stdout = open(os.path.join(target_dir, self.stdout), 'w') else: stdout = self.stdout if isinstance(self.stderr, str): stderr = open(os.path.join(target_dir, self.stderr), 'w') else: stderr = self.stderr self.ret = self.full_cmd, cwd=target_dir, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) return previous
[docs] def finished(self): return True
[docs] def finalise(self): """Performs clean-up if necessary. In this case it isn't. I think. """ pass
[docs] def succeeded(self): """Will return True if the process finished successfully. It judges based on the return code and will return False if that code is not zero. """ if self.ret != 0: return False else: return True
[docs]class Actions(): def __init__(self, *args): self.actions = list(args) self.wrapper = lambda action, previous: action.start(previous)
[docs] def set_wrapper(self, wrapper): """Adds a wrapper to be called on each Action. Parameters ---------- wrapper: callable A function to call on each Action. Should pass through the return of the start method. """ self.wrapper = wrapper
[docs] def start(self, previous=None): for action in self.actions: if not hasattr(action, 'start'): raise RuntimeError('action in the actions list does not provide a start method') previous = copy.copy(previous) run_id = previous['run_id'] for action in self.actions: previous = self.wrapper(action, previous) self.result = previous assert (self.result['run_id'] == run_id) return previous
[docs] def finished(self): return all([action.finished() for action in self.actions])
[docs] def finalise(self): for action in self.actions: action.finalise()
[docs] def succeeded(self): return all([action.succeeded() for action in self.actions])