easyvvuq.decoders package


easyvvuq.decoders.hdf5 module

A Decoder for HDF5 format files.

class easyvvuq.decoders.hdf5.HDF5(target_filename, output_columns)[source]

Bases: object

HDF5 Decoder.

  • target_filename (str) – Filename of an HDF5 file to decode.
  • ouput_columns (list) – A list of column names that will be selected to appear in the output.

Parses the HDF5 file and converts it to the EasyVVUQ internal dictionary based format. The file is parsed in such a way that each column will appear as a vector QoI in the output dictionary.

For example if the file contains the following data a,b 1,2 3,4

And both a and b are specified as output_columns the output will look as follows {‘a’: [1, 3], ‘b’: [2, 4]}.

Parameters:run_info (dict) – Information about the run (used to retrieve construct the absolute path to the CSV file that needs decoding.

easyvvuq.decoders.json module

A basic JSON format decoder.

Will read a JSON file and will output select values. Values have to be either numeric or lists. In case of lists it will treat those as vector-valued quantities of interest.

class easyvvuq.decoders.json.JSONDecoder(target_filename, output_columns)[source]

Bases: object


easyvvuq.decoders.simple_csv module

A Decoder for CSV format files.

class easyvvuq.decoders.simple_csv.SimpleCSV(target_filename, output_columns, dialect='excel')[source]

Bases: object

CSV Decoder.

  • target_filename (str) – Filename of a CSV file to decode.
  • ouput_columns (list) – A list of column names that will be selected to appear in the output.

Parses the CSV file and converts it to the EasyVVUQ internal dictionary based format. The file is parsed in such a way that each column will appear as a vector QoI in the output dictionary.

For example if the file contains the following data a,b 1,2 3,4

And both a and b are specified as output_columns the output will look as follows {‘a’: [1, 3], ‘b’: [2, 4]}.

Parameters:run_info (dict) – Information about the run (used to retrieve construct the absolute path to the CSV file that needs decoding.

easyvvuq.decoders.yaml module

A Decoder that can be used to get information from a YAML file. Works identically to the JSON decoder. Look at the documentation of that class for more information

class easyvvuq.decoders.yaml.YAMLDecoder(target_filename, output_columns)[source]

Bases: easyvvuq.decoders.json.JSONDecoder

Module contents